All Cromptons Healthcare by MIP Slide Sheets are available as either Patient Specific or Washable/Reusable options. In this blog, you can learn how to care for your slide sheets correctly and maximise their lifespan.
Prior to using any slide sheet, you should be doing a risk assessment or follow a handling plan set out by a professional. Fabric, thread and stitch degradation caused by continuous use will take place over time (as normal wear and tear and/or washing). You should always inspect your slide sheet prior to each use. Check the “slipperiness” by rubbing slide sheets together as well as checking for rips, tears and stitching on handles.
Patient Specific slide sheets are red and designed for multiple use on a single person should be disposed of once a person no longer needs them or if they become damaged over time. These slide sheets should not be laundered.
Washable/reusable slide sheets are blue and designed to be laundered to allow reuse for different individuals.
For more information on Slide Sheets, visit our learning hub.
*in the Slide Sheet to Go Pack, both red and yellow slide sheets are patient specific