MIP Blog - UK

Working From Home - Top 5 tips

Written by Tim Mellor | Apr 21, 2020 11:46:54 AM

Hi all, 

It's Tim here, MIP UK Marketing Assistant. 

The whole team at MIP UK are now working remotely and continue to deliver the same high standard of service our customers expect. It is the same for millions of people across the country, our homes have become our new offices and the relationships with our customers and colleagues has become virtual.

I have been working from home for 5 weeks and wanted to share the top 5 tips that I've been practicing to ensure my productivity and focus are as optimal as can be. 

Here's my station. Yes, I'm aware my coffee cup is empty - I'm working on that...

Working from home - Top Tips on staying productive:

Tip #1 - Keep coffee cup full at all times!

Tip #2 - Don't work in the lounge or other rooms you usually relax in:

When shifting from being office based to home, one of the changes I've noticed, as I'm sure millions across the country are also finding, not having separation between the work and living environment is something to get used to.

To keep my productivity levels up, I work in the 'home office space' this minimizes temptation to look through the pantry for snacks, turn the TV on for 'background noise' and make conversation with the family.

Tip #3 - Set daily goals: 

Throughout the day you don't have those 'I'm at work' reminders like you do in the office, so I find it useful to set my daily goals out in the morning so I can tick tasks off as I go - this will keep you motivated and focused throughout the day. 

Tip #4 - Keep to your usual office working hours (if you can):

Start work when you usually would arrive at the office, take a lunch break when you usually would, and log off when you would normally finish for the day in the office. By doing this your ordinary working day routine is maintained and you'll prevent burning yourself out by working into the night or feeling anxious about being away from the computer on your lunch break - this one's important!

Tip #5Keep connected: 

I'm luckily enough to be keeping in regular contact with people from the office, whether it be work related discussion, catch-ups or just general conversation. This will keep you feeling sane and will prevent you feeling isolated (especially if you live on your own), considering you're no longer a desk or two away from your coworkers.

Why is it so important for MIP to continue our operations?

As a supplier of healthcare textiles, it is fundamental that MIP remains fully operational throughout this pandemic to support the healthcare facilities across the UK. 

Thanks for reading and stay safe, 


Tim Mellor